Functional medicine works, and is different from other health and dieting trends for one simple reason: uniqueness. The ultra-unique tactics behind functional medicine are what gives it much greater success for a larger variety of individuals. It focuses and is tailored to each patient’s unique needs. It does this by looking at the chemical and physiological levels in a patient’s blood work, and combining it with strict food regimens to give your body the nutrients and vitamins it needs.
Now, on paper two patients can appear almost identical. And a physician might recommend a very similar diet and exercise routine. HOWEVER, they may not have similar or even good results as compared to functional medicine. Because functional medicine looks at a patient’s health on a physiological level, it is able to tell a patient and doctor much more about a patient’s health needs, concerns, and strong areas.
Below, Dr. Davis explains how functional medicine can help in the following areas:
-Unexplained weight gain
-Hormone imbalance
-Weight fluctuation
-Unsuccessful dieting
We are currently accepting new patients, and we are also offering a free consultation to determine if functional medicine is the right move for you. Please feel free to call (801)-798-2515, or email us to schedule today!