Spinal Decompression
Spinal decompression is a new technology that is revolutionary therapy, one that we can help our patients with here in our Spanish Fork office. We use it successfully for the treatment of lower back and neck pain, disc herniations, disc degeneration and sciatica.
The treatment is simple and effective. We have a special table where you lay on your back, a special belt is placed comfortably around your waist. As your disc bulges or herniations are drawn in, or as the discs begin to regenerate, pressure is taken off the nerves and surrounding structures helping relieve your pain and inflammation.
Pressure is taken off the nerves and surrounding structures relieving you of pain and inflammation. The spinal decompression treatments are so gentle, that according to Dr. Wall and Dr. Davis many patients actually fall asleep during treatment.
Often, many patients who are undergoing spinal decompression will also have other types of treatment at the same time, like cold laser therapy, they often complement one another, depending on the patient and their injury and pain. Our treatment plans include the latest research, technology and protocols to help you get the best long-term results possible.
Often those who are recovering from an injury or from surgery or accident, may not know not know about spinal decompression and the benefits often achieved with it.
Our chiropractors are trained, and will diagnose, evaluate and treat your pain related symptoms or conditions that are related to, any injury, disability, recent surgery, condition or disease.
We will help you find the proper diagnosis, create a plan of care and help you create and put in use, some short and long-term goals towards your recovery. Call us today at 801-823-3112 and let’s discuss some ways to help you get better!