Many people think that massage therapy is something reserved for people who can afford to extensively paper themselves. They couldn’t be more wrong. Take this example: you change the oil in your car every 3,500 miles, right? So why wouldn’t you recharge your body just as regularly? Our backs especially take a beating with some of the most simple daily activities: sleeping, running, driving, sitting at a desk, etc.
We have a dynamic team here at Advanced Wellness Center that’s dedicated to providing a complete and more well-rounded treatment. Our massage therapists and staff work with you and your unique health to bring a comprehensive health evaluation along with your massage therapy. We also encourage and assist our patients with physical therapy and chiropractic care, so that their spinal health can be treated with the quality and care it deserves.
Still not convinced? Check out some of the scientifically backed benefits behind massage therapy:
Reduced Anxiety
Alleviate Digestive Disorders
Fibromyalgia Relief
Relief from Headaches
Reduced Insomnia Related to Stress
Soft Tissue Strain or Injury Relief
Relief from Pain Related to Sports Injury or Fatigue
This is only SOME of the benefits offered to you with massage therapy. The benefits list only grows once it is combined with other natural medicines and therapies like physical therapy and chiropractic care. We are currently offering a 60-minute massage special! Please call to claim this amazing deal before the new year (801) - 798 - 2515. We look forward to helping you recharge and get 2018 started on the right foot!